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Read online ebook Pet First Aid and Disaster Response Guide : Critical Lessons from Veterinarians DOC, FB2


Inspired by the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina, the Pet First Aid and Disaster Response Guide gives expert guidance on everyday pet emergencies as well as preparing for and responding to disaster situations. With input from more than 200 U.S. veterinarians, this comprehensive handbook reveals the latest veterinary wisdom and instructs on the 10 most common pet emergencies, including bite wounds, bleeding, heatstroke, choking, and more. Full-color illustrations teach hands-on skills including CPR, the Heimlich maneuver, and how to safely transport an injured animal to the vet. works closely with veterinarians and civic leaders to ensure that communities and families develop emergency and disaster plans that include beloved pets. These crucial lessons are being taught in communities across the country by Pets America staff and volunteers. Now, the step-by-step instructions from their certified training program are available in this convenient guide, which also includes basic dog and cat anatomy, tips on preventing health problems, staying safe while helping an injured pet, early warning signs of illness, medications, outdoor safety with pets, and detailed checklists for pet first aid and disaster kits. to educate pet owners and provide disaster relief for pets. The organization offers Pet First Aid & Disaster Response Workshops that teach pet owners to care for the pets who depend on them before, during, and after an emergency. It also trains volunteers to respond to natural or human-caused disasters by assisting with evacuation and providing pet-friendly shelters adjacent to emergency shelters for people., The Pet First Aid & Disaster Response Guide is designed to help pet owners provide temporary, urgent care to pets until they can reach a veterinary or emergency clinic. The text will teach readers to

Pet First Aid and Disaster Response Guide : Critical Lessons from Veterinarians by G. Elaine Acker read online ebook FB2, EPUB, PDF

The unreal but TRUE story of the unknown casino that changed Las Vegas forever!Beautifully written in elegant prose, this is a novel about greed, resentment, jealousy, betrayal, and romantic love in the postcolonial world of the Caribbean, giving us a diverse cast of characters of African, Indian, Chinese, Syrian/Lebanese, and English ancestry., ""King Lear" in the Caribbeanexcept in this novel, the flattery and deceit of Glynis (Goneril) and Rebecca (Regan) lose out to the principled, honest love of their younger sister, Corinne (Cordelia)."--"O, the Oprah Magazine," 10 Titles to Pick Up Now "An epic tale of family betrayal and manipulation couched in superbly engaging prose and peopled with deftly drawn characters.Scars and irreparable destruction characterize both the physical and human dimensions of these bitter wars, reinforcing the stereotype that nothing good comes of war.I recommend it to everyone I meet.Our students have found this guidebook essential to their college searches.Each chapter is a month, and ends in the kitchen, with a menu inspired by her terrace and roof gardens, farmer's markets, and the occasional weed.Greg and Lucy want people to become as comfortable with the ingredients, techniques, and dishes in Moorish as they are with more familiar foods.Buy it now." - John C.Readers will learn from a wealth of stories and teachings how plant spirits can directly communicate with and aid us, including: .I wish I was you." - "Man, you're an inspiration, seriously.PREFACE - geological wonderland, great diversity, geotourism destination; II.In a story structure as rhythmic as the ebb and flow of the water surrounding Trinidad and Barbados, this revisiting of the classic story of King Lear becomes a subtle, organic exploration of politics, class, race, and privilege.Tafa. But one secret threatens to silence everything.