Unlocking Happiness at Work : How a Happiness Strategy Will Increase Performance and Drive Revenue read TXT, EPUB, PDF


"Unlocking Happiness at Work" takes you on a journey into why and how leaders should become compassionate capitalists and ensure that their teams thrive. This book debunks the myth that happiness at work is a waste of time and demonstrates how it can deliver a more productive and engaged workforce, which can have real impact on the bottom line. Based on two decades of scientific research, real-time data, interviews and case studies, this book proves that happiness fuels higher performance, provides a greater sense of purpose and spreads passion throughout organizations. With insightful practical guidance throughout, "Unlocking Happiness at Work "is a lively and persuasive exploration of how to be happier and make others happier through the power of habits, emotional intelligence and an innovative approach to work/life flow. Case studies from lululemon, Zappos, Misfit Inc, The Body Shop and more are supported by tangible data and key performance indicators that show the significant benefits that come from adopting a happiness strategy. This is an essential resource for leaders who want to increase sustainability, attract new talent, improve their brand and boost profitability - in a way that is life-enhancing for them and their people., Unlocking Happiness at Work illustrates with detailed case studies how leaders can become compassionate capitalists and ensure their employees thrive at work and at home. With two decades of scientific research already in place, this book is based on real-time data to debunk the myth that happiness at work is a waste of time and instead, demonstrates how it can truly deliver a more productive and engaged workforce and have real impact on your bottom-line. Using real case studies and research that maps key performance indicators to happier employees and through analysis of organizations that have adopted a happiness strategy, Unlocking Happiness at Work provides leaders with the tools to build happier and higher-performing individuals and teams. From the most recognized brands in the world to small-to medium enterprise run companies, a double bottom-line approach to leadership increases sustainability, retention, engagement, and translates into substantial financial wins. This is an essential resource for leaders that ensures they create the right organizational environment that guarantees long-term performance and allows them to retain the best talent as well as deliver life-changing fulfilment for their employees., Using both real cases of organizations that have adopted a happiness strategy and research that relates key performance indicators to happier employees, "Unlocking Happiness at Work" leverages the fundamentals of neuroplasticity and Positive Psychology to show how a happiness strategy delivers impact.From the most recognized brands in the world to small and medium enterprise companies, this approach to leadership increases sustainability, retention, engagement, and translates into substantialfinancial wins. Author Jennifer Mossprovides leaders with thetools to build happier and higher-performing individuals and teams with her discussion of: -Theories of happiness: philosophers to neuroscientists-The battle to separate mental illness and mental health-The science of happiness-Brands embracing positive psychology effectively-The benefits of a happier workplace-Data and how it is changing the way we lead", Using detailed case studies, "Unlocking Happiness at Work" explainshow leaders can become compassionate capitalists and ensure their employees thrive at work and at home. With two decades of scientific research already in place, this book is based on real-time data to debunk the myth that happiness at work is a waste of time and instead, demonstrates how it can truly deliver a more productive and engaged workforce and have real impact on the bottom-line.Usingexamples from a wide range of companies that have adopted a happiness strategy and research that maps key performance indicators to happier employees, author Jennifer Mossprovides leaders with the tools to build happier and higher performing individuals and teams. She discusses theories of happiness (from philosophers to neuroscientists), the battle to separate mental illness and mental health, the science of happiness, the benefits of a happier workplace, and how data is changing the way leaders lead."

Unlocking Happiness at Work : How a Happiness Strategy Will Increase Performance and Drive Revenue ebook DOC, EPUB, TXT

Although the teachings are based it on a nineteenth-century text by Lama Mipham, they are presented in a non-scholarly way, with examples drawn from modern life and everyday experience.As she competes, however, she must answer the question that's been tugging at her heart: Does she want to rule the Anju because they are her mother's people, or does she have less noble intentions in mind?It will be of interest to scholars and studentsof criminology and law, as well as the general reader concerned with issues of criminal justice., This work provides a broad summary of American criminal justice in a time of great concern about solutions to the current crime epidemic.Paul Raeburn overturns the lingering myths and stereotypes of bumbling dads and disciplinarian patriarchs through an in-depth and personal investigation of the latest scientific findings on the parent we've often overlooked.But Etta begins to notice that each jump leaves her feeling weaker, and the Agency's own greed may be playing a role in her mission.It covers only the information tested on the exam, so you can make the most of your valuable study time.With over 1 billion people now on Facebook (that's 1 in every 7 of us) and over 30% checking their account before brushing their teeth or hair in the mornings, it seems most can confess to an addictive Facebook habit; whether it's stalking an ex, faking bathroom breaks to read news, checking-in wherever they go, or art-directing photo's for the perfect profile pic.Until now. Nicholas Carter is content with his life at sea, free from the Ironwoods-a powerful family in the Colonies-and the servitude he's known at their hands.Written by a world-class team of international Olympic experts, sports researchers and writers, the book offers comprehensive analysis of the full social, cultural, political, historical, economic and sporting context of the Games.The integrated assessment system, centered around the literacy skills and academic habits, allows for the coherent evaluation of student literacy development over the course of the year and vertically across all grade levels., The Developing Core Proficiencies program is coprised of a series of four 3-week units that provide direct instruction on a set of literacy proficiencies at the heart of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).You'll learn: Where nature ends and nurture begins Why men should do more household chores What you do when emotions run hot affects how your baby turns out, because babies need to feel safe above all TV is harmful for children under 2 Your child's ability to relate to others predicts her future math performance Smart and happy are inseparable.Along the way, you will learn the optimal path to: 路 Discover the work you enjoy in settings supportive of your talents 路 Gain the confidence and motivation to choose your own adventures 路 Gather the resources to invest in owning your own dreams and directing your own destiny 路 Reset reality and rewrite the rules of an unfair system 路 Command the respect, rewards, and recognition that come from shared purpose and from being part of a community of like-minded doers changing the world 路 Make an impact and leave a legacy worthy of your unique contributions, Let's be honest: most of us aren't exactly "special." We don't boast an Ivy League degree like Sheryl Sandberg, a political pedigree like a Kennedy, or a wealthy father like Donald Trump.